Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rewards for running

Today I was having afternoon tea with friends at Grand Hotel. As we were about to leave, a young man came up to ask what I was doing that evening. Flattered, I told him I was about to go home to my family to play with my children and miraulously refrained from saying "my kids are almost your age". 

Afterwards, all I could think was: "I've got to keep up the running". 


Anonymous said...

...och det verkar ha varit en väldigt bra helg för löpning om man ser ditt hopp i distansen, go emi!

emi guner said...

Ja men sjukt irriterande gick min nike+ grej bananas och mätte fel och sa att jag sprang en kilometer på 7,5 minuter.
så jag sprang egentligen ännu längre än så där! roligt att du läser här!

Anonymous said...

It's not just the running ---it's also your style and natural fabulousness that attracts the young ones Emi :)
Happy Christmas to everyone!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I can't upload my runs since I'm at my family's home in the countryside--in the middle of a huge snowstorm and without my proper itunes!
Happy Holidays everyone!!!

r said...

To emi, and all runwithe runners,

Happy holidays and be safe!