Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rewards for running

I kept the dress. Rewards for running should be rewards, not the insane kind of uffering felt when returning a great dress to the store. Reward yourselves!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Allt är inte löpning

Man kan träna på andra sätt också. Läs Doreen, hon har bästa träningsbloggen. Smart, rolig och med små utsnitt ur verkligheten. Det går inte att inte älska henne. Ni ser, folk kan inte hålla händerna borta!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Like I said

The Nike + interface has its flaws. One of them is that you can not set an exact time for a challenge to start. Another is that if one starts a challenge the same day another is finished, and the winner participates in the new challenge, his or her kms are counted twice. Not fair. So I tried to set the new challenge start for Nov 26 to leave everyone a day to rest. Now, for some reason, Nike+ changed it to Nov 25. Why, I have no idea. And it might be that your kms from morning of the 25th don't count, because it wasn't yet the 25th wherever Nike is (Oregon). I'm afraid this might be the case.

I'll mail Nike+ to see if they can reset the challenge start to reflect our time zone.

Monday, November 24, 2008


And we have a winner! Guro brings it home!


ps. want to participate in the next challenge? mail me
I know it's bothersome that you have to mail me each time, I blame Nike for not making a better interface.


Meaghan 27,8 kms

Lina A 19,5 kms

Emma 6 km

Want to join?
Mail me!

I give up

All 3 kids sick and I have a cold too. I'm giving this run up, thinking Jenny S, Meg or Gurostavn will win today or tomorrow.

Am trying to work with tiny human attached to me at all hours. Work progress: so-so.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Snowed in

In Stockholm, we awoke to a magic winter landscape. It's beautiful, but for runnrs, it's tricky as some of us are not yet equipped with winter running gear. Personally, I had planned a run outdoors, which then turned in to a planned treadmill run at 4.30 pm, only to find out my local gym closes at 4 pm. 

I give in to red wine, Chet Baker and enjoying talking to Anders while he cooks dinner for us. 

Friday, November 21, 2008

Meet the winners 5 - Reen!

Reen came out of nowhere to bring home the victory last challenge. Or out of nowhere isn't really true, she comes from Malaysia, where she's running with us. She's supernice and started running for a reason. Read up below.

How did you get involved in the runwithe challenges?

Through LFTEC. When I took up running and struggled to keep doing it, the runwithe challenge came to mind. It really motivates me to run when I see that I am lagging behind.

Have you always been a runner?

Why do you run?
Mainly to lose weight which I have steadily put on over the years. Earlier this year, my BMI was almost in the 'Obese' category. So I started eating more healthily and joined kick boxing classes. Kick boxing then became somewhat expensive, so I took up running in October. It's a really good and way cheaper alternative, although I am still at the stage where I find it really hard/painful.

How often do you run?

I try to run 3 times a week... but if I slack off during the weekdays, I'll do a long run on the weekends instead.

When do you run?

Varies on how my day is. If I am going to have a long day at work, I'll try to run in the morning. I really like running at night in my housing area, though. The neighborhood is really pretty at night.

Do you run alone or together with someone?

How far do you usually run?
I aim for at least 3kms (which sometimes doesn't happen!) and more than that on the weekend.

What kind of shoes do you run in?

New Balance.

What music do you run to?
Mika, Prodigy, Morcheeba, The Beatles, Travis, Foo Fighters. Really random.

How do you beat the "I don't want to go running" moods?

I think about the scale. The fact that I've lost some weight in the past month is enough to keep me going for now. But then again, since I am still new to running. I might still be a bit enthusiastic about it. We'll see :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rewards for running

Dear runners, this is my reward to myself for running so much. I can barely afford it. If I decide to keep it, I will post a pic here to show you what it looks in real life on a suburban mom of 3.

ps. How do you reward yourselves?

ps2. Decided, almost crying, not to keep it. Here it is in reality. It's even comfy! But bills bills bills. So sad.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008



4 days 20 kilometers

Or I will not meet my goal.
But if I do, you will see me at 36 kms within 4 days.
watch me.


Rough run

So this morning, before breakfast and before I was barely awake, I ran 6 kms.
It was good and I will have to do it again tomorrow to reach my goal of 50 kms in 4 weeks that I thought would be so easy.

But tomorrow, I might try to run to old advertising hits, to create the fantasy that I'm a running commercial.

I'm going for "Mad about the boy". Any other suggestions?
Ps. Reen and jenny, I promised you each a CD with my best running music. However, my son killed my computer with that very music on it. I will make the CDs but you will have to wait.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Lina in the lead!

Outside the box!

När era km inte syns i en challenge

Men de syns i er profil - ge inte upp. Nike+ är lite trög. De laddas in efter ett tag.

Glömde iPoden hemma

Plötsligt känns det meningslöst att springa. Är det så för er också? Att utan räknaren springer man helst inte? Att hjälpmedlet blivit ett tvång i sig?
Är det bra eller dåligt?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Såg just mitt eget mål

Har 8 dagar på mig att springa 30 km.

Och syrran knappar in

Vi andra måste ta upp kampen mot de här Serneholts. Vi blir helt utklassade. De är kanske en superbreed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Det går djävligt bra för Jenny S nu.

Lisa Å, Linda B, vad håller ni på med? vakna.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

from one mom to another

I love you, Britney Spears.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New challenge, new rules

Ok, a new challenge just begun and you're all SO welcome to participate and tell your friends to come join us too. And they should join now! Cause otherwise they might be to good for us - here's the new rule:

If you're entering the challenge when it's been running for a week or more, you can't have more kilometers than the leading runner already in the challenge. Like say the person in the lead has run 20 kilometers in this challenge and you join having run 32, then you can't join that very challenge, but you're more than welcome to sign up for the following challenge, just mail me at

Also, some of you have wondered why my challenges aren't listed in the Nike+ galleries.
It's because if they are, male pro-level runners invariably join and I have to sort them out one by one and it's just a pain. They're trophy hunters and they never read the small print.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Congratulations + new challenge

Congratulations Larians!
Ready for a new, somewhat shorter challenge? First to 48 kms?

It's starting now.
Mail me if you want an invite

Results for the previous challenge:

Koko 7.39 km

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Off to Spain/France

So I won't be posting and won't be running either. 
I'll be HIKING whatever that is like, I've never done it. 
Ran 5 kms on treadmill today, hard work, boring and gruesome. 
But I did it. 
And my baby was taken care of by professionals. 2-1.
Two nice ladies for every baby.
Always something. 


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jenny and the winner!

You will receive a CD with a playlist that will make you run even on your most tired, "don't feel like going running" days. Jenny, jag lovade dig den här för länge sedan så du får den även om du inte vinner.
