Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's been a year

It's been a year since I started running. Thank you all for doing this with me. How should we celebrate?


Lina said...

Springa och kommentera mer!

emma said...

Grattis till årsdagen! Jag är så glad att jag får vara med & springa, utmaningarna ökar träningsmotivationen nåt enormt! Fira? Springa ännu mer...? keep up the good work!

Clara said...

Hurray! We will have to think about a way to celebrate you.
If you are throwing a birthday party I'm wishing for some sort of summery. How far did you run? How many times? What was your best and worst months?
How much weight did you lose? How are the jeanses? What were the rewards for running?
And was is the next goal?

Thank you for making us all running!

Ciléne said...

By creating a new superchallenge. Or throw a party for us locals.