Thursday, October 30, 2008


womanizer with britney. 


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

your chance to beat me

I'm off to London for 4 days and won't be running.
I expect you to seize the opportunity to take the lead. 
Serneholts! Åberg!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lousy day, good run

I had lousy day work wise but running cut the worst of it.
Every time I write about running I sound religious. I don't mean to but I do.
It was good and sweaty and honestly felt better after than during.

I thought about money/no money.
I listened to Kate Perry and Britney. It worked.
I then admired the beautiful boobs of old women at the bath house.
I should have told them.

I bet they don't get boob compliments too often.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Meet the winners 4 -Marjan Esfandiari

Foxy Marjan Esfandiari is the most recent runwithe challenge winner. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and works as an assistant buyer at an online retailer. But in the picture above, she's visiting Sweden, enjoying a tasty tunnbrödsrulle. I've never met Marjan in real life, but that doesn't matter when you run together. Only this time Marjan ran longer in a shorter period of time than I did. Than any of us did. Here's how Marjan did it all.

How did you get involved in the runwithe challenges?
I found runwithe through lftec (and ltmj before that). The runwithe challenges actually came at a perfect time when I really needed the extra motivation to run/exercise.

Have you always been a runner?
Yes and no. I've started and stopped running at different points in my life but it's not something that comes easy for me. I think in the months that I have been participating in the challenges on runwithe I have improved a lot!

Why do you run?
I run because it makes me feel good. It's an added bonus if it improves the way I look too.

How often do you run?
It depends on the week but my goal is 4 times a week.

When do you run?
This varies but most recently I have been going early in the morning before work. It was really painful at first but it's worth it.

Do you run alone or together with someone?

Always alone.

How far do you usually run?
I sort of have to base this on how much time I have. Before work it's usually 5-6 kilometers. Weekends I try to run further and just last weekend was the first time I ran 10 kilometers without stopping.

What kind of shoes do you run in?
Saucony Grid Stabil

How do you beat the "I don't want to go running" moods?
I just try to think about how good I'll feel after I'm done.

Thank you Marjan!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Run with me!

Join by mailing me and I'll send you an invite.
You need to have the Nike + kit and iPod touch or iPod nano. Then you just get going. Running only, there are other challenges for walkers.

WE have a winner!

Congratulations McMarj! Get ready for your Meet the winners-interview!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Klart du snart kommer klara milen. När jag sprungit en månad kunde jag bara springa EN KILOMETER!

Restoring runs

I lost a run this morning and was so frustrated. But with the help of unknown friends on the worldwide web I restored it. So if this ever happens to you, I can help!


Friday, October 17, 2008

Where you feel the 10 km mark most

In the butt.


For the first time ever, I ran 10 kilometers today and it wasn't even that bad. Have you all broken that barrier already?
It took me a few months!
But now, it was easy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Koko's in the lead

She's running outside the box!

And she's almost 10 kms ahead of the rest of us.

Keep going!

Monday, October 13, 2008

iPod woes

I lost my iPod in Spain, but thought I had all my runs saved on my computer.
Important notice: your runs are only stored on your iPod until you upload them to

There are 20 kms that only I know about. You will never see them. Until, I guess, til you look at the rock that is my body!

On the plus-side, it might be good to know that the white flat nike+ thingie that you plug into the iPod survives a good warm/hot wash cycle.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Give Josefina a real challenge!

Come on Gurostavn, McMarj, Jenny Serneh! Beat Josefina!
My iPod currently will not compute but I will take you on Josie.
This win shall not be yours so easily.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

new challenge.

can anyone beat Josefina?

Congratulations all the way from Portugal. 
now, new challenge!