Friday, October 10, 2008

Give Josefina a real challenge!

Come on Gurostavn, McMarj, Jenny Serneh! Beat Josefina!
My iPod currently will not compute but I will take you on Josie.
This win shall not be yours so easily.



Guro said...

I'm Gurostavn, and i will do my best.
But she is some runner!

I have enjoyed great progress lately, and I ran my first 10 km a couple of weeks ago. That was a win for me.

Jason Mraz, Mika and Bjørn Eidsvåg cheered for me all the way.

Koko Hubara said...

Question: Where do I, a nonnike+ persin, fit in? Do I just keep emailing you my scores? Huh? I really need to win this!

Koko Hubara said...

Okay, I'm officially blind. And basically I'm in the top three, so it's all good!